Tuesday, 28 August 2012

HIV test kits in Australia.

As you may well have noticed in the recent press on HIV testing in Australia, it is now possible to purchase HIV home test kits in Australia through web sites such as www.HeadStartTesting.com.

The home test kits test for HIV 1 and 2 sub-virus and promise > 99% accuracy in detecting the HIV virus. AS with all HIV testing methods it is important to remember the HIV test kits test for HIV anti-bodies and these take time to develop in the bloodstream after possible infection.

Head Start testing supply the iCare and EZ trust HIV test kits under their marketing campaign B-clear which aims to motivate individuals to not put off testing. The sites intention is to broadcast the message about HIV testing Australia “If in doubt about possible HIV infection, then please test”.

Any Australian, who has had a potential risk of exposure to the HIV virus and is putting off testing, is putting their health and the health of others at serious risk. In Australia if HIV is detected early, the survival rate is greatly increased through HIV ant-viral medications.

At present you cannot purchase HIV test kits in an Australian pharmacy so if you do not wish to test through a medical professional and prefer the privacy of self-testing then an online purchase is your only option in Australia.

If you or anyone you know in Australia may be at risk of HIV infection then it is wise to select the testing method suited to you and carry out an HIV test.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Are HIV test kits reliable?

We often are asked about the quality of our HIV test kits and this is a very valid question to ask a potential supplier. When buying HIV test kits it is essential that you check the quality of the product.

The test kits we sell through Head Start Testing NZ are manufactured under ISO and GMP standards. This means they are produced in a factory that adheres to specific quality control procedures to ensure consistency of product quality and reliability. Additionally the HIV home test kits are designed with quality as a priority (as opposed to cost or weight). As such the HIV test kits sold through Head Start testing NZ have the following:

-Clear, concise instructions accompany the kits
-An accompany information sheet is also included.
-Everything needed is present within the hygienically sealed pouch.
-The actual testing strip is sealed within a 2nd pouch.
-The kit has a “fail” reading. In the event of a failed test, no negative or positive result is given and a clear failed reading is given.

When buying HIV test kits it is essential you read and understand the instructions clearly. The test kits can be used only once and incorrect use can result in a failed HIV test. HIV testing is an extremely serious matter and if you are in any doubt about whether home testing is suitable then you should consider contacting a medical professional to oversee your HIV testing. If you have decided to test for HIV at home, then you can purchase high quality test kits that test for both the HIV 1 and 2 sub viruses from our store at HeadStarttesting.co.nz.