Many individuals are, yet they elect not to seek medical
advice and carry out a HIV test through their doctor or testing clinic. Sadly,
this is high risk behavior as in many cases those individuals carry on their
normal sexual behavior, potentially infecting others.
If you have had unprotected sex with an individual who you
cannot be certain to be HIV negative, i.e. you know and trust their sexual history
(something nearly impossible to do) then you should test for HIV.
If you choose not to do so through medical professionals
then you can test buy buying a test kit, called a rapid HIV test kit, or HIV
home test kit. These HIV test kits as sold by online stores such as Head Start Testing
are >99% accurate and give results within minutes. Buying HIV test kits
online is legal, convenient and safe. When buying HIV test kits you must ensure
the product is ISO certified to guarantee production quality.
To worry about your HIV status and to not test is an
illogical course of action (or inaction). A simple test using with a HIV test kits will give you
a result in minutes and you can then be sure you are acting responsibly and
that you are not worrying unduly. In the case of HIV, to not know, is far worse
for everyone involved than knowing.