Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Are you losing sleep over your sexual encounter and potential risk of HIV exposure?

Many individuals are, yet they elect not to seek medical advice and carry out a HIV test through their doctor or testing clinic. Sadly, this is high risk behavior as in many cases those individuals carry on their normal sexual behavior, potentially infecting others.

If you have had unprotected sex with an individual who you cannot be certain to be HIV negative, i.e. you know and trust their sexual history (something nearly impossible to do) then you should test for HIV.

If you choose not to do so through medical professionals then you can test buy buying a test kit, called a rapid HIV test kit, or HIV home test kit. These HIV test kits as sold by online stores such as Head Start Testing are >99% accurate and give results within minutes. Buying HIV test kits online is legal, convenient and safe. When buying HIV test kits you must ensure the product is ISO certified to guarantee production quality.

To worry about your HIV status and to not test is an illogical course of action (or inaction). A simple test using with a HIV test kits will give you a result in minutes and you can then be sure you are acting responsibly and that you are not worrying unduly. In the case of HIV, to not know, is far worse for everyone involved than knowing.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Technology Helps Prevent HIV

HIV testing is being greatly assisted with the arrival of new technologies. Most recently it has become possible to test for HIV using a home hiv test kit. The technology allows the user to deposit 1 or 2 drops of blood into the HIV test cassette and to see the results of their HIV status within minutes.

The test kits supplied by Head Start Testing are manufactured under ISO and GMP standards to ensure reliability. The HIV test kits are > 99% accurate, test for type 1 and 2 sub virus and have a 2rd reading to display a failed test. The HIV test kits come with full, easy to follow instructions and are safe to use.

This new technology allows individuals to test for hiv status in the privacy of their own homes at their convenience. This removes two significant barriers to HIV testing in the community. Many individuals are concerned they may be showing HIV symptoms, have been exposed to an HIV positive sexual partner or simply want to be 100% sure of their own status. Often they put off testing at an HIV test centre and these HIV home test kits offer a safe alternative.

Technology is assisting us in many ways to improve the quality of our lives. It now seems that with HIV home test kits it can help us ensure that HIV is easily detected. Currently all tests for HIV detect the HIV anti bodies but science is working on a test to detect the HIV pathogen itself.

Monday, 9 July 2012

HIV Home Test - False Positive V2

Is testing for HIV at home reliable?

With the fairly recent availability of HIV home test kits such as those available in Australia through Head Start Testing has come new concerns.

Typically these kits are purchased online as users search for popular terms such as “Hiv Test Australia” and “Hiv home test” among others. They then proceed to buy test kits online.

But, Are they reliable, what if they give me the wrong result?

These are valid concerns and highlight an important quality issue surrounding the HIV home test kits. If you are worried about HIV symptoms or your sexual partner’s previous history the last thing you need to worry about is the quality of your test.

We can confirm the following in regards to the HIV home test kits available in Australia through Head Start Testing.

-They are manufactured under GMP and ISO quality controls. This ensures strict quality control of the test kits and their sourced components.

-The HIV home test kits are >99% accurate and detect both type 1 and 2 sub virus.

-The underlying technology is the same technology as used in modern HIV testing facilities who use rapid-test kits

-The test kits supplied by Head Start Testing include a failed test result. This ensures that if the test has failed for technical reason, or a user error or contamination that a 3rd result is shown. A negative or a positive are only shown if the test kit has been supplied correctly with the sample and has detected a true negative or a true positive.

The above ensures the overall reliability of the HIV test kits as supplied online through Head Start testing. This allows thoseworried about their HIV test results, to carry out their HIV test with privacy and confidence.